
In order to be listed and recognized as a funeral home in The Red Book, the funeral home has to be in good standing with their respective board of licensing. This ensures reliability and trust by the public. Please do not request to be listed if you are unable to secure your funeral practitioner license.

Our agent for Canada will verify all information.

If you are a transport company, supplier or other funeral professional and would like to have a presence in our publication, we more than likely have a section that is specifically designed for your company. However, we will not allow you to appear as a funeral home. Feel free to contact us or call and an Agent will be in touch.

Our agents not only keep track of the funeral homes, but also vital statistics for each region/area as it pertains to the funeral industry.

Since 1936, The Red Book is the only publication that has continually provided information on the funeral industry. If you are a funeral director and would like to get in touch with your respective Agent, feel free contact us or call and your Agent will be in touch.

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